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Tips For Going To Rehab With Your Spouse

February 22, 2022
Dr. Darren Lipshitz MD

Spouses are an important part of families. They provide support and advice during tough times. However, there are also good times to have friends and family members who are available when we go to rehab.

Spouses play an important role in the treatment process. They can help with emotional support and communication skills. If our spouses are going through a difficult time, they will need outside support. Some spouses may feel uncomfortable about asking for this type of help, so it’s important that we be aware of what kind of support is needed around recovery. This article provides tips for going to rehab with our spouses.

Don't Rush It

While many people would love to get their loved ones into rehab as soon as possible, it's generally not advisable. Most rehab programs offer more than one year of treatment. A quick-fix program won’t necessarily give them all the tools they need once they return home.

Plus, our wives or husbands might find the transition back to life at home quite challenging. We should take things slowly. Allow our partners to heal gradually over several months. Be supportive but don't try to force them into something they aren't ready for. Spend some quality time together first before we rush off on our own adventures together.

In addition, we shouldn't expect a spouse to jump up and down every time we want to leave the house. Recovery takes time. It involves taking care of ourselves and learning new coping mechanisms.

Discuss Your Treatment Options

Before deciding whether to move forward, let our spouses know what kinds of options we consider. Make sure that we both understand the pros and cons of each option before choosing which one is best suited for our needs. We could also consider seeing if our doctor or rehabilitation therapist could recommend another facility that specializes in the specific area of our addiction. This will enable us to speak openly with someone at the clinic about proceeding further.

Besides discussing treatment plans, we should talk with our spouses about what types of treatments we'll receive. There are various therapies available, from massage therapy to acupuncture. What works for us might not work as well for the other person. For example, I like doing yoga, while my wife prefers meditating. This can lead to conflicts since I'm used to doing certain exercises (sometimes at odd hours) while she prefers to do her meditations alone. Talk everything out with our spouses before moving ahead.

Set Boundaries

Establishing boundaries isn't always easy for anyone. It's even harder when we're trying to change habits that were formed long ago. After years of alcohol abuse, it can be hard to break old habits without feeling guilty about them. When we've had a binge, it’s almost impossible to refrain from drinking because we’re already emotionally unstable.

Asking our spouses to set strict rules when they’ve often been lax about sticking to them can cause tension. We can choose to follow the rules and later feel ashamed when we ignore them. But setting clear boundaries will prevent us from drinking until we have control again. Set realistic goals and stick to them.

In addition, create schedules so we can plan activities around those times. If we get home too late, it's tough to just hop into bed and fall asleep. Instead, we spend half the night lying awake worrying about getting in trouble for being out late. In addition, we often have difficulty sleeping after waking up during the day if we haven't eaten yet. Setting eating schedules helps us avoid staying up too late. Don't make it worse by falling asleep on the couch instead.

Prepare Yourself

If we know there's going to be a party coming up, we should prepare ourselves mentally beforehand. Some of these parties may include family members who are likely to bring food and drinks. When we know this will happen, we'll stay away from places where food and drinks are readily available. For example, don't drink in the room of friends who frequently host events.

We should try to eat healthy foods when we know guests will arrive. Eating junk food doesn't really help us recover. When we're struggling with alcohol addiction, our bodies are craving sugar. Drinking soda or having cake at the office party won't provide much relief.

That's why it's important to start preparing healthier snacks such as carrot sticks or celery when we walk through the door. Not only does this give us something to munch on, but it keeps us from reaching for the cookies immediately. We become less tempted to have an alcoholic beverage by avoiding sweets altogether.

It's also smart to avoid talking about substance use issues or asking questions about how alcohol affects our bodies. If someone asks us how we feel, it signals their concern about our health. And when people ask, "Are you OK?" it implies they care about our wellbeing. These kinds of comments might seem harmless, but they can send negative messages regarding our recovery progress.

It might take some time for our partners to get comfortable in asking personal questions that could trigger memories of past failures. However, once they see us making strides toward sobriety, they usually begin to open up more. Being honest with our families and loved ones about our addictions is one way to regain their trust. It takes time and effort for everyone involved to regain trust.

Talk About Recovery Progress

Talking about our alcohol problems with other sober people is crucial if we want to reach a new level of success. Having support groups or family meetings allows us to discuss what we've accomplished and offer advice. Even though some of these discussions can pressure others, they're very therapeutic for both the individuals participating and the entire group.

Support groups are effective because sharing our experiences helps us connect with others experiencing similar struggles. The second reason is that hearing about all the good things others have done for themselves makes us think about our own efforts.

The more we talk about our successes and achievements, the easier it becomes to do things like go to work every day, not skip meals or miss appointments, quit using drugs and alcohol, and avoid relapse situations.

Our partners are part of our lives 24 hours a day. They often provide us with unconditional love and encourage us to stay clean and sober. We owe it to them to do everything possible so that they can continue to hold space for us. And if we fail to keep up with those responsibilities, then we are doing them a disservice.

Is Couples Rehab Right For You? 

Couples' rehab centers are popping up everywhere. If you are looking for a way out from your relationship or marriage, couples rehab might be the answer. Are they effective?

The idea behind couples rehab centers is simple. Couples who want to save their relationships should go through a program together. This program helps them get back on track and improve their communication skills. However, there is no scientific evidence that shows that couples rehab programs are effective. Research suggests that these programs don't work at all. Instead, they can cause harm.

Before you decide whether couples rehab is right for you, it's essential to understand how these programs work. Some of the most common problems people have with their partners include:

  • Lack of communication (63%)
  • Anger issues (60%)
  • Problems in sexual intimacy (34%)
  • Alcohol abuse (31%)
  • Financial irresponsibility (26%)
  • Stress/anxiety (25%)
  • Eating disorders (6%)
  • Compulsive behavior (5%)

If you think you need help saving your relationship, first talk to your partner about what they think about a couple’s rehab. Ask them if he or they would consider going through a couples rehab program. Try to see things from their perspective.

There are ways to find out more information about couples rehab programs. Talk to your doctor. They may recommend couples rehab centers that will provide you with the services you need.

What Is A Couples Rehab, and Why Do We Need One?

A couple's rehabilitation center is simply a place where married or committed individuals come together to learn new techniques for dealing with the problems that are causing tension within their relationship. It is not necessarily an institution with professionals trained to treat mental health issues.

In most cases, couples rehab is a supervised residential treatment facility, meaning participants stay overnight at the center. They usually receive counseling and instruction from the staff.

 Participants generally stay for two weeks. At the end of this time, they return home to understand themselves and their partners better. Couples rehab aims to teach participants how to effectively change their attitudes and behaviors to deal with their relationships' challenges.

How Does Couples Rehab Work?

One of the main goals of couples rehab is to reduce conflict between couples. Many people believe that conflict is inevitable in any long-term relationship. However, when conflicts arise, both parties involved usually feel hurt. That hurts the entire relationship. By working through disagreements as a group, couples rehab provides couples with tools to manage their conflicts without getting into fights.

Another goal of couples rehab is teaching couples how to communicate. This is important because many couples tend to blame each other rather than look at the problem itself. Having a good discussion about the real issue can help you overcome misunderstandings and improve your communication skills.

 Finally, couples rehab teaches couples to solve problems instead of fighting over them. Couples rehab helps couples become open to new solutions and ideas. This way, they're less likely to get stuck in their habits.

Who Should Go Through Couples Rehab?

Anyone who wants to save their marriage should consider couples rehab. Couples rehab is effective for anyone who feels depressed or isolated within their relationship. Most couple's rehab facilities also offer substance abuse programs. If either spouse abuses drugs, couples rehab also includes individual therapy sessions. In addition, couples rehab offers marital education classes. These classes give couples the knowledge they need to understand what they have endured and how they can prevent future problems.

Which Couples Rehab Program Is Best For My Situation?

There are several types of couples rehab programs available to couples. Some focus primarily on helping couples cope with the difficulties of everyday life, while others emphasize the importance of developing healthy relationships. Each program differs slightly depending on the needs of each particular couple.

The most common type of couples rehab is a 12-step program that focuses on improving personal behavior. This kind of rehab program works around the idea that addicts must change their behaviors to find lasting happiness and positive relationships. Some examples of these programs include Narcotics Anonymous (NA), Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), and Alateen.

What Are Some Of The Benefits Of Couples Rehab?

The primary benefit of couples rehab is that it offers couples the opportunity to learn coping strategies for managing difficult situations. Another benefit is that it encourages couples to be honest with themselves. Sometimes one member of a couple has an addiction or other disorder that needs attention. 

Couples rehab allows couples to admit that something is wrong without feeling embarrassed. Finally, couples rehab gives couples the chance to heal old wounds and make peace with past mistakes.

Are There Any Side Effects From Going Through A Couples Rehab Program?

As mentioned earlier, there is no solid proof that any form of couples rehab is effective. That doesn't mean that these programs don't work for some people. Sometimes, a couples rehab program works so well that both parties feel good about themselves afterward.

Couples who go through a couples rehab program report feeling calmer at the end of the program. Others say that they feel closer to their loved ones than ever before. According to some studies, couples who complete a couple’s rehab program experience improvements in their relationships. However, not everyone benefits equally from these programs. Because each individual has their unique personality, each person will respond differently to a couples rehab program.

It's important to remember that a couples rehab program isn't a cure-all. If you want to save your marriage, you must put some effort into making changes in your life. Only then will you have a chance of success.

How You Can Help A Loved One In Rehab 

If you have a loved one battling addiction, you want to do everything in your power to help them get through rehab and back on their feet. Unfortunately, there are some things you can't do – like forcing them to get sober. But there are plenty of things you can do to support them during this tough time. Check out these tips for helping a loved one in rehab.

Show Support by Attending Family Therapy Sessions

Your loved one isn't the only one who will need support throughout this process. If their addiction has affected you or your family in any way, you need to attend family therapy sessions at their rehabilitation center. These will allow you to work with a professional and develop effective ways to communicate with your loved ones while also managing your own emotions so that you can be an effective source of support for them.

Help Your Loved One Stick to Their Rehab Regimen

One of the most helpful things you can do is help your loved one stick to their regimen at rehab. Offer to help your loved one get up and out of bed in the morning. And if they don't have a job, offer to take them to the rehabilitation center for a few hours in the afternoon. This will not only allow them to get out of the house, but it will help keep their mind focused on positive things instead of caving into temptations. 

Offer Support During Times Of Relapse

If you're ever concerned about your loved one's sobriety, the best thing you can do is offer your support. Everyone slips up from time to time, but it doesn't mean they're going to relapse if you let them know that you're there for them when they need someone to talk to or a shoulder to lean on. In many cases, this will be enough for your loved one to get back on track.

Be a Positive Role Model

Sometimes a person enters rehab because their addiction has gotten so bad that they've hit rock bottom. If your loved one is still young or impressionable, make sure you're a positive role model in their life. Practice healthy habits yourself, such as exercising and eating right, to show them how it's done. And keep an eye out for any bad influences in their life, such as friends who may be encouraging their addiction.

Help them Make a Plan to Stay Sober

Once your loved one is coming up on the end of rehab (or if they're already out), you must help them make a plan for staying sober. If there are certain temptations in their life that may pull them back into addiction, offer to help them avoid these triggers. For example, if there's a bar they frequent with their friends, offer to go along and keep them company.

Help Out With Household Tasks

Depending on where your loved one is in their recovery, they may not be able to help out with certain household tasks. If you have a job outside of the home or take care of kids at home, offer to pick up some of the slack while they're working on getting clean. This will not only take some pressure off of them, but it will help show that you're understanding of their situation and appreciate everything they're doing to get healthy.

Be Educated About the Rehab Process

There are a lot of rehab myths out there – such as the idea that it's nearly impossible for an addict to get clean on their own. This isn't true, and you can help fight this myth by learning more about the rehab process yourself. If you know what to expect from your loved ones during treatment and recovery, you're going to be in a better position to provide them with the support they need.

Minimize External Triggers and Temptations

Another way you can help your loved one stay clean is by minimizing external triggers in their life. This will involve making healthy changes in your own life, such as avoiding certain places or people that may trigger substance abuse. These triggers are different for everyone, so it's important to pay close attention to the things that cause your loved one distress and then take proactive steps to limit exposure.

Help Financially if Necessary

In many cases, rehab will involve costs beyond the initial fee. If your loved one has insurance, this can help offset some of these expenses. But if they don't have coverage or their plan doesn't cover addiction treatment, you may need to step in and lend a financial hand. Check with your loved one's rehab center to see if financial assistance is available for those in need.

Give Yourself A Break

Finally, you need to remember that you can't do everything when it comes to helping your loved one get clean. There's only so much that anyone can handle, and if you feel overwhelmed by this process, then take time for yourself. Make sure you're taking care of your own physical and mental health so that when the time comes for you to be there for them, you're healthy enough to provide support.

As you can see, there's a lot to know about supporting an addict in recovery. However, by taking the time to learn more about addiction and recovery, you'll be in a better position to help your loved one get back on track. And even if things don't go according to plan, remember that not everyone recovers at the same pace. Everyone's path to recovery is different, and it's important to stay patient throughout the process while still providing tough love when needed.

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